With spring finally sprung, you’re likely looking forward to a weekend boating trip to enjoy the warm weather. However, before you make plans to hit the nearest body of water, you’ll need to give your vessel a little TLC to ensure it’s still in good shape after a long winter in storage. For tips on how to get your boat ready for the season, be sure to read our helpful tips below!

Clean and Inspect Your Boat

Before you grab your tools or try starting your engine, you’ll want to take a moment to thoroughly inspect your boat from top to bottom. Inside, you’ll want to keep an eye out for mold, pests, rust, and sitting water. Outside, you’ll need to look for cracks, dents, gouges, or missing pieces in your hull that may result in a leak. Once you’ve confirmed your boat is in good condition, you’ll also want to look over some of its important equipment, such as safety gear, your boat trailer, and your boat cover. If everything checks out, feel free to grab a scrub brush, soap, and some wax to start cleaning your vessel inside and out.

Engine Care

Once the interior and exterior of your boat have been cared for, you’ll want to move on to some of its more sensitive components. To start, double-check that all your boat’s belts, hoses, and tanks are still in good condition. While loose belts and cracked hoses can be quickly replaced, a leaking tank will need to be seen by a professional very soon. However, if everything seems to be in order, we advise moving on to checking your engine’s fluids.

Your fuel and coolant should have been flushed before you placed your boat into storage. However, if you missed this step, feel free to take the opportunity now to empty and replace these fluids. We also advise replacing your engine oil—as it can go bad over time— before checking your other fluids for signs of debris or condensation.

Having trouble getting your boat ready for spring? Here at Moritz Marine, we’re happy to help you with any of your boat repairs, services, or installations. To visit our on-site service center here in Mandan, North Dakota, free to stop by, call, or make an appointment online. If you’re located nearby in Bismarck or Dickinson, North Dakota, feel free to visit us here at Moritz Marine for all of your boating needs!